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Anna & Matthi

ID: 1qx5





Age group:

26 to 35


Anna is a socialworker and Matthias works in IT

Preferred locations:

NSW QLD (full regions list)

Reply rating:

5 out of 5

More information about this house sitter

Hello! We are Anna, Matthias and little Aussie from Switzerland.

Something about Anna: I have a bachelor of arts and worked as a social worker. I mostly worked with people who have a disability. I love to help others wether if i have to plan their day, go grocery shopping with my clients or do some arts and craft so they can express their creativity. In my freetime i love to take care of my plants or help my mother in her beautiful garden. People would describe me as a very open person who likes to talk about everything with everyone.

Something about Matthias:
I've worked as a system engineer in a small company since i finished my apprenticeship. I take care of customers servers, computers and networks. In my daily business i need to be in touch with my customers and try to keep them happy with a running system. You have to do a mandatory military service in Switzerland but i was not a fan of it. I quit after 20 weeks and transfered in to social services. There i was able to work in an childrens home as a Janitor. My Tasks included: Cutting gras, cleaning, Food deliverys, recycling, repairing and building. Thats where iv'e got my handyman skills from.

Something about Aussie:
I'm a almost 6 months old puppy (born 11.11.23). I'm a australian Kelpie and i met Anna and Matthias on a farm near Adelaide when they took me with then on their travels. Since then I'm by their side. I love running around and playing with other dogs! I'm potty trained and I'm starting to understand what humans want from me... By the end of their travels, I will go to Switzerland with my owners:)

In Oktober 2023 we moved out of our flat and went on a one year adventure with my boyfriend Matthias. We`ve started in Vietnam and found ourselfes for 2 Months in Thailand. We arrived in Sydney in January and bought a SUV with a roof top tent. At the moment, we're driving along the coast. During this time we would love to work as volunteers at different places to learn new skills and of course to meet so many new cool people.

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