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Experienced Sitters with a lot to offer

ID: hoy





Age group:

55 plus


retired Customs Officer and Army Officer

Years active:

5 years

Preferred locations:

All Australia (full regions list)

Reply rating:

5 out of 5

More information about this house sitter

Roy and I retired as soon as we could, to combine our two loves, travelling and animals. Our house sitting adventure began in 2010 when we moved to the UK with our Border Collie Jessie. For 6 years we enjoyed over 40 house sits through UK, Spain, France, Crete and Ireland. Jessie enjoyed her travels until age and illness caught up with her. One of the reasons we remained away, other than having too much fun, was the fact that we never put Jessie in kennels and she would not have coped with quarantine. So we can fully understand why you want a sitter and we believe we are the sitters you need!
We have always owned our own home so are very respectful of your home and treat it how we would want our home treated. We are both capable of handling small dramas, the gardening, your pool and any other normal household chore.
We are listed on another well known house sitting site where we are one of the top sitters with over 60 verified references and the top security clearance they provide. These references can be forwarded to you if you require.
We have experience with all sorts of pets and animals, including dogs, cats, poultry, horses and even pigs. We have previously fostered a rescue dog, sat many nervous dogs, cats that have required medicine and many other scenarios.

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