More information about this house sitter
Hi there , my names Lee , look forward to seeing if I maybe a good fit for you, to mind your home & pets 😌
I’ve been Solo since hubby passed away 15 years ago , been busy working and raising my last child at home , he’s now 21 .
I do love animals and since I downgraded to a unit , I’ve decided to love on and get my fix from other people’s fur babes ❤️
I’m a young at heart 61 year ago old , who loves reading , walking at the beach/ hiking .
I love this lifestyle as I like change and exploring new to me different locations .
I’m a tidy person and will keep your plants alive and your pets loved on 🙏🏼 I bring my own linens / pillow / doona … and am a non smoker / Vaper .
Take care 🌻
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