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James and Sheryl

ID: bqr


James & Sheryl



Age group:

55 plus


James - Mechanical Fitter / Sheryl - Domestic/Commercial Cleaner

Years active:

8 years

Preferred locations:

TAS VIC (full regions list)

Reply rating:

5 out of 5

More information about this house sitter

As a couple…

We are healthy, fit and active, love being outdoors, love our pets, enjoy gardening and having things looking nice.
House proud, enjoy the fine things in life. Enjoy cooking and entertaining. We both enjoy golf, fishing and experiencing new challenges. Married for 40 years and live in a beautiful beach location in NZ. We have raised a big family of five boys and one girl, who are now aged between 31 and 42, living across Australia and New Zealand.

We are looking for an opportunity for new experiences in different parts of the world house-sitting for others, caring for your property and pets as we would our own.

Sheryl loves caring for her pets that have consisted of many dogs (most rescued from animal shelters), cats, which have adopted us or have been given to us, and an old horse that was in poor health until she nursed it back to health to live a longer happy life. She enjoys cooking and is very house proud. She enjoys social contact with people from all over the world. She manages a beach house holiday home that sleeps sixteen with two separate living levels including making bookings, cleaning between guests, arranging different bedding configurations and organising any necessary function.

Jim is active and enjoys gardening and working outdoors. He enjoys the maintenance side of property management, is a good handyman who can solve most household mechanical, plumbing and minor electrical problems. Enjoys Rugby and most sports, and likes nothing better than a barbecue with family and friends.

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