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Jenny The Birches of Daylesford

ID: 18qf





Age group:

55 plus


Health and broadcasting. Now owner and manager of The Birches of Daylesford

Preferred locations:

VIC Melbourne City, Melbourne North, Melbourne South, Melbourne East, Melbourne West

Reply rating:

5 out of 5

More information about this house sitter

Dear Stephen
I live in Daylesford and would love to look after Rex and Buddy at your home along with my Cavoodle Harry who also enjoys the company of humans and dogs.
My home is the three storey Birches of Daylesford in Central Springs Road. Guests stay in the large attic on the top floor and the bottom area, the Garden Suite, I live in the middle if I am not visiting in Melbourne or elsewhere and don't need to be here.
If you were prepared for me to add Harry to your two, I have no doubt that they would all enjoy each others' company.
If you wish, Harry and I could pop in to meet you and Rex and Buddy. Then we shall know that it is an ideal match! - or not...
Best wishes. Jenny
Picture is of Harry sleeping on top of a St Bernard!

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